Ministry Partners


Leading people to take their next step with Jesus locally, regionally, and


10% of our budget is dedicated to local, regional, and global missions.


The Christian and Missionary Alliance is our Global Family. To find more information, visit


We do three serve projects throughout the year for the entire congregation to participate in serving. They are Night to Shine, Summer Serve Day, and Turkey Takeout

Night to Shine - Tim Tebow Foundation 

We partner with the Tim Tebow Foundation to provide a prom to the special needs community in our area.

Women’s Medical Center - Gulf Shores

We provide car seats for expecting mothers in 2024, we provided ten car seats.

Christian Services

We provide canned food, supplies, and volunteers for events throughout the year.

Turkey Takeout

We provide Thanksgiving food for over 1500 people in partnership with Anchor Point Church.


Alliance South

We provide ongoing financial support for church planting and renewal through the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

ARC Association of Related Churches

● Notes:Weprovideongoingfinancialsupportforchurchplanting throughout the United States.

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Kaleo - Student Mobilization Summer Discipleship School

We support Cody and Chyla Cooper as mission partners.We provide our entire church to Student Mobilization for the ” Kaleo ” summer discipleship school.” This is a primary way we make a difference in the next generation of college students.

Fresh Start Network

We partner to help struggling churches enter a new flourishing season through revitalization and replanting.

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Envision Atlanta

Envision Atlanta serves the refugee community o fClarkston, GA. This is an Alliance Partner with the Alliance South.

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House of Hope

The House of Hope provides a free space for pastors and missionaries to rest and be renewed. We provide everything they need, including a clean-up team.


Christian and Missionary Alliance

We provide ongoing financial support for church planting and renewal through the Christian and Missionary Alliance globally. This allows us to take all of Jesus to all of the world. We support 700 missionaries in the least-reach places of the world where less then 2% of the population have heard and responded to the gospel.

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 Church Planting in Portugal - Luke and Shana Camara

Luke and Shana were sent out of Church at the Shores in 2021 to plant a church network in Portugal. We financially support their family and efforts and partner with the Bridge Church in Portugal.

Samaritans Purse

Operation Christmas Child

We partner with Samaritans Purse and other churches in our community to provide 15,000 shoe boxes worldwide!

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Never Thirst - Water & Gospel 

We partner with Never thirst to bring 10,000 women and children water and the gospel by 2033. This organization serves explicitly the most underreached areas of the world.

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Compassion International Compassion Centers

We partner with Compassion International tolaunch 3 Compassion Centers by 2033. The compassion centers are connected to a local church in an extreme area of poverty and will serve up to 500 kids.